Saturday, January 5, 2013

Neutrogena Hand Cream review!

I was happy to be receiving this in the mail a few weeks ago!  Then again, I'm always happy to be getting free stuff.... Who wouldn't?  Anywho, BzzAgent sent me this box with the Neutrogena hand cream to review and after posting a review on their web page (You can visit and sign up HERE if you like!) I can now post my thoughts here!
This is what they sent me along with a little pamphlet about what Neutrogena is and what I needed to look for in my testing.  After giving a sample to my mother and bringing in the rest of the sample sizes into work and passing them out, I kept the big one for myself and told everyone to start testing along with me!  I have always loved any kind of hand cream since I do a lot of physical stuff with my hands such as chopping wood, and archery and target practice and shelving books and I could go on and on :P  Neutrogena was no different!  This is the Norwegian formula of their hand creams and at $5.00 a bottle, it's not too bad of a price to begin with, but having it sent to me for free is even better!
After using it for a couple of weeks, I can say that I am quite impressed with this!  It really softened my hands and helped around the cuticles which I have issues with anyway.  There was no noticeable scent so it is wonderful for men and women alike!  The only thing I don't really like is how it feels when I first put it on, but it absorbs rather quickly, so there are no issues there and I still fully recommend this brand to anyone!  Anyone else try this?  Let me know!

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